Clinical trials are studies that researchers use to find better ways to treat diseases and cancers, using real patient volunteers.
The results from clinical trials are useful in helping doctors understand how a medicine may help patients with a certain disease or cancer.
In basal cell carcinoma, a complete responder is a patient who no longer has evidence of the disease following treatment.
Basal cell carcinoma may be locally advanced if:
Basal cell carcinoma may be metastatic if it has spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, or bones.
In basal cell carcinoma, a non-responder is a patient who still has evidence of the disease following treatment.
In basal cell carcinoma, a partial responder is a patient who experiences a reduction in tumor size following treatment.
A specialty pharmacy is a state-licensed pharmacy that provides medications used to treat rare or serious health problems.
Targeted therapy is a kind of cancer treatment that attacks certain cells. As a targeted therapy, Erivedge works differently than traditional chemotherapies.
Targeted therapy can affect both cancer and healthy cells.
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